Now that I'm settled in to the new city, new house and the new job in Atlanta, I finally have time to get back to drawing and writing more regularly. I'm using the new year to double down on improving my illustration portfolio, expanding my list of finished dummies and manuscripts, and of course querying, querying, querying! Over the course of the next few months, I'll be participating in a couple challenges, showcases, and events to help me reach my goal of getting an agent and my first book deal. Here's a list of some of the places you'll be able to find me between now and March.
I created this sketch of an older couple as part of an assignment for a backgrounds class I took through SVSLearn. Around the time that I started the class I began to stream my art on twitch so i was able to capture a lot of the process as I worked through this illustration. Here's a little behind-the-scenes look at my illustration
Read MoreI'm using the new year to double down on improving my illustration portfolio, expanding my list of finished dummies and manuscripts, and of course querying, querying, querying! Over the course of the next few months, I'll be participating in a couple challenges, showcases, and events to help me reach my goal of getting an agent and my first book deal.
Read MoreI was selected as the featured student on the Society of Visual Storytelling homepage for the month of September.
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